What does it mean to be committed? I have plenty of friends that are dealing with this issue as they look at the relationships in their lives. From friendships, to dating relationships, to marriage...what does it mean to be committed? CP's philosophy on commitment is simple, maybe over-simplified, but pretty black and white (with shades of grey).
The commitments in our lives should be ones that bring out the best in us. A commitment to your family is one of pride, of lineage, of support and unfailing love. A commitment in a relationship should be one that continually lifts you up and moves you forward in your life's journey. And that's how I view a commitment to your family of faith. Unfailing love, support in good times and the bad and growing ever closer to God by being surrounded by His followers, these are only a few of the privileges offered by being committed to your house of worship.
This Sunday is membership Sunday. It's the culmination of our Summer Sermon Series on "The Tie that Binds." We've looked at what it means to be a part of the Methodist church through prayers, presence, gifts, service and this week we'll talk about witness. I would encourage you to prayerfully consider coming forward this week and joining St. Luke's in it's mission to Share God's love, Grow in our faith and Serve the community.
Email me with questions or comments! CPerrier@StLukesOKC.org
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